Kitsune Platform

Kitsune is an advanced Cyber Intelligence platform developed in Italy by Meridian Group, designed to provide organizations with comprehensive and proactive protection from digital threats. The Kitsune platform specializes in collecting and correlating information from over 50,000 OSINT sources, effectively monitoring the web, the darknet, and social media to identify potential threats in real time.

The platform offers a wide range of services, including anti-piracy protection, data breach prevention, brand protection, and digital risk monitoring, in addition to advanced coverage for digital identity security. Kitsune also provides security intelligence and threat response solutions, along with support for incident management through experienced cyber intelligence analysts.

Meridian Group delivers cyber intelligence services based on the Kitsune Platform to ensure customers a comprehensive solution for managing cyber threats, providing organizations with broad visibility into threats.



Kitsune Monitoring rappresenta una componente fondamentale delle strategie di cyber intelligence e sicurezza implementate da Meridian Group. Questo servizio esclusivo, gestito dal competente Kitsune Team, si specializza nel monitoraggio proattivo delle minacce informatiche, offrendo alle organizzazioni una visione anticipata delle potenziali insidie che potrebbero compromettere la loro integrità digitale.

Kitsune Monitoring utilizes an extensive network of intelligence sources, including Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) sources, dark web, and deep web sources, to gather vital information on emerging threats. This global coverage ensures that organizations are informed in real time about attack patterns, emerging vulnerabilities, and targeted phishing campaigns.

Using advanced technologies and a proprietary platform, our Team analyzes and correlates large volumes of data to identify patterns, trends and anomalies. This allows attacks to be anticipated before they can take place, giving organizations the opportunity to proactively strengthen their defenses.

Our customers benefit from detailed reports and real-time alerts that enable security teams to act quickly in response to identified threats. These reports provide in-depth analysis, recommendations for action, and contextualize the potential impact of detected threats.


Digital Identities

Kitsune Monitoring Digital Identities è un servizio esclusivo offerto da Meridian Group, mirato specificamente alla protezione e alla salvaguardia delle identità digitali aziendali. Gestito dal dinamico Kitsune Team, questo servizio si concentra sul monitoraggio avanzato e sulla prevenzione di frodi e furti di identità, due delle minacce più pervasive e dannose nel panorama digitale odierno.

Using advanced analysis and detection techniques, this service provides comprehensive coverage against identity theft, online fraud and other forms of cyberattacks aimed at compromising sensitive personal and business information.

Through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions, Kitsune Monitoring Digital Identities can proactively scan the web, social media, hidden forums and other digital platforms to identify potential digital identity threats before they can cause harm.

Our customers benefit from real-time alerts that enable security teams to take preventive measures immediately. This proactive approach is crucial to quickly mitigate potential threats before they can exert a negative impact.


Cyber Threat Intelligence

Kitsune CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence) è un servizio distintivo offerto da Meridian Group, progettato per unire le forze dei vari pacchetti di monitoraggio sotto una soluzione integrata che offre una protezione di sicurezza informatica globale e senza precedenti. Il cuore pulsante di questo servizio è il Kitsune Team, che sfrutta la sua vasta esperienza e le sue competenze avanzate per fornire intelligence sulle minacce cyber di primo livello a enti governativi e organizzazioni private.

Kitsune CTI synthesizes the best features of the Kitsune Team’s monitoring services, offering a holistic view of cyber threats. This integration allows every aspect of digital security to be covered, from individual endpoints to the cloud, and everything in between.

With the support of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, Kitsune CTI analyzes and interprets huge amounts of data to identify trends, anomalies, and indicators of compromise (IoC). The service is highly customizable to meet the specific security needs of each organization.

In addition to providing threat intelligence, Kitsune CTI supports strategic decisions and day-to-day security operations by providing operational recommendations, best practices, and mitigation strategies to address identified threats.


Digital Footprint

Kitsune Digital Footprint è un servizio essenziale offerto da Meridian Group, progettato per fungere da baluardo digitale per le aziende in un mondo sempre più connesso. Gestito dall'esperto Kitsune Team, questo pacchetto fornisce un monitoraggio dettagliato e completo dell'impronta digitale aziendale, garantendo che le organizzazioni possano operare online con sicurezza e fiducia.

This service analyzes every aspect of a company’s online presence, from official websites and social media profiles to third-party databases and platforms. The goal is to identify potential vulnerabilities, data exposures, and threats to online reputation.

In the event of security events, the Kitsune Team develops tailored recovery plans that guide companies through the process of mitigating threats and restoring digital security. These plans are designed to minimize the impact of incidents on business continuity and corporate reputation.

In addition to monitoring and incident response, Kitsune Digital Footprint focuses on proactive prevention. By analyzing threat trends and taking anticipatory security measures, the service helps companies strengthen their digital security posture against future threats.


Ask the Team

In un mondo dove la complessità delle minacce cyber è in costante aumento, l'accesso diretto a esperti di cyber intelligence diventa un asset inestimabile per qualsiasi organizzazione. Con il pacchetto "ASK THE TEAM" di Meridian Group, ti offriamo proprio questo: una linea diretta con il nostro Kitsune Team, pronti a fornire supporto, consulenza e insight approfonditi per supportare gli Incident Response Team durante le fasi di gestione degli incidenti informatici.

“ASK THE TEAM” puts the collective expertise of the Kitsune Team at your disposal to answer your questions, provide tailored analysis, and offer strategic advice on specific security issues. This instant access to expert advice can make all the difference in effective threat management.

Take advantage of the Kitsune Team’s extensive knowledge through customized training sessions, webinars, and regular updates on the latest threat trends and security best practices. “ASK THE TEAM” is not just an answering service, but an educational program that empowers your internal team.

When launching new digital initiatives or implementing significant infrastructure changes, the Kitsune Team can offer security assessments, proactive suggestions, and implementation support to ensure that your projects are secure from potential vulnerabilities.



In un ecosistema digitale in rapida evoluzione, avere una chiara comprensione dell'efficacia delle tue misure di sicurezza è fondamentale. Il pacchetto Kitsune Scorecard, offerto da Meridian Group, fornisce un servizio esclusivo per la valutazione e il monitoraggio continuo della sicurezza delle informazioni e delle infrastrutture digitali della tua organizzazione. Gestito dal nostro esperto Kitsune Team, questo servizio è progettato per darti una visione chiara e aggiornata del tuo ambiente di sicurezza, aiutandoti a identificare e correggere vulnerabilità prima che diventino criticità.

Receive detailed, easy-to-understand reports that assess the effectiveness of your security measures, providing you with in-depth analysis of performance and areas for improvement.

Kitsune Scorecard closely examines your network for accidental data exposures and misconfigurations that could leave your organization vulnerable to attacks. This proactive service allows you to quickly correct these gaps.

Stay one step ahead of cybercriminals with our advanced monitoring that detects the presence of botnets that could be used to attack your infrastructure, as well as flags any data leaks involving your sensitive information.

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