This is the beginning of something new.

Meridian Group represents the forefront of cyber security, dedicated to protecting organizations in a rapidly evolving digital era.

Born from the joint experience of experts in cyber intelligence and computer security, our mission is to offer cutting-edge security solutions that meet the complex challenges posed by today’s cyber threats.

Innovation and Expertise for tailored security

La nostra unit interna, Kitsune Team, ci posiziona in prima linea nella lotta contro le minacce digitali, fornendo intelligence di tipo strategica, tattica ed operativa ed un supporto esperto sia a entità governative che a imprese private. Grazie a una profonda comprensione del panorama delle minacce e all’uso di tecnologie all’avanguardia, il Kitsune Team elabora soluzioni proattive per anticipare e neutralizzare le minacce informatiche prima che possano arrecare danno.

Soluzioni Personalizzate per la Sicurezza

Riconosciamo che non esistono due organizzazioni uguali; per questo, sotto la guida del Kitsune Team, sviluppiamo soluzioni di sicurezza di cyber intelligence personalizzate. Questo approccio su misura assicura che ogni aspetto della vostra sicurezza digitale sia rinforzato con precisione, proteggendo le vostre infrastrutture critiche e le preziose risorse digitali dall’ampio spettro di rischi attuali.

Il Nostro Impegno

La vostra sicurezza informatica è la nostra massima priorità. Con Meridian Group e il Kitsune Team al vostro fianco, vi garantiamo un livello di protezione profondo, soluzioni innovative e un supporto professionale costante. Insieme, possiamo navigare il panorama digitale con fiducia, garantendo che la vostra organizzazione non solo sopravviva ma prosperi nell’era digitale.

Made in Italy Philosophy.

“We have always believed that Italy is a country of excellence in many fields, from the business world to research. This is the guiding principle behind our decision to invest in Italy, valuing top-notch skills and technologies. Our proprietary platform, Kitsune, is the result of this philosophy, a tribute to the Italian ability to innovate and excel in highly competitive fields such as cyber intelligence. Through the Kitsune platform and the Kitsune Team, we demonstrate our commitment to investing in local talent, leveraging the advanced technological capabilities and creativity that Italy has to offer.

A conscious and responsible choice

Our choice to rely on Italian resources reflects a confidence in the potential of Made in Italy to be a leader not only in fashion and design but also in cutting-edge technologies. The Kitsune team embodies the essence of the Italian tradition of pushing the boundaries of innovation while maintaining a commitment to quality and excellence.

A success story

With Meridian Group, we continue the success story of Made in Italy in the digital world, confirming that Italy is a fertile ground for advanced technologies and for the brilliant minds that drive them. Our investment in Italy, in both skills and technologies, underlines our belief that Italian excellence can lead the future of digital security on a global level, placing Meridian and its team at the forefront of this revolution.